News/ Industry/ Bugatti employs a Metrologist to ensure its Hypercars are perfect by a Millimeter

Bugatti employs a Metrologist to ensure its Hypercars are perfect by a Millimeter

In order to assure that every vehicle that leaves the Bugatti factory meets the company's high requirements, the manufacturer hires a skilled metrologist.

Gregoire Haller-Meyer, a metrologist employed at Bugatti, utilizes exact measurements to make sure a procedure or product is up to the highest standards. He is in charge of measuring and examining each component to make sure it is put properly.

When the space between two components deviates from our set tolerances by just one millimeter, he says, "I have to identify the reason why." After all, given the high speeds modern super sports vehicles may attain, this can cause unpleasant sounds.

The metrologist at Bugatti combines hand tools and very accurate 3D scanners, which have an accuracy of up to 0.005 mm, in his job. It is his responsibility to look into the underlying causes of any components he finds that differ in their design or location from those specified by Bugatti. After that, he will consult with Bugatti engineers and artisans to decide whether to replace or modify a component.

Haller-Meyer explains that "the measuring of the numerous components and tolerances is, however, only a portion of my job." Another aspect of my job entails data analysis to ensure and continually raise our standards of quality and to ensure the ultra-high-end finish of the super sports vehicles we produce.

The company claims that regardless of whether a model is a "normal" Chiron or a limited-edition run model like the Centodieci or the one-of-a-kind La Voiture Noire, it receives the same amount of attention to detail and examination.

TopGear Magazine October 2024