Bike-scooters/ First-ride/ What's New with Pulsar Ns400Z: Specifications, Looks, and Price

What's New with Pulsar Ns400Z: Specifications, Looks, and Price

Different ingredients, one tasty outcome


The riding dynamics of the vehicle


It doesn't look that different from an NS200


When you see it for the first time, you will be a little confused. It looks like Bajaj didn’t bother much to meddle with the design and headed straight to the printer where they photocopied the entire blueprint of the NS 200. Apart from a few extended parts, a new headlight unit, golden USDs, and a new instrument cluster, you will not be able to visually find much difference. However, these are the small things that you might be noticing. To be honest, when you go around the motorcycle, it will be a little underwhelming. However, I am not a guy who is very concerned with looks. So if the look is a deal-breaker for you, I’ll understand. But, look past the looks and you will discover something special. Oh, one thing, the ‘Z’ in the NS 400Z comes from the daytime running lights that are present on the headlight unit. 

TopGear Magazine July 2024